Our Partners

List of Our Partners

The  Krannich-Solar   is a leading solar energy company and one of their better quality photovoltaic manufacturers in the world. Gives a 10-year (product) warranty on the frames it manufactures. The development, manufacture and sale of photovoltaic cells in a wide range of markets, including Germany, Spain, Italy, China and the United States, has prompted it to optimize its solar products. Based in Germany  , it supplies more than 500 employees and more than 6 branches worldwide. It guarantees a return of at least 92% in 10 years and a minimum of 82% return in 25 years. 
The Danish company Danfoss is the leading manufacturer of rectifiers worldwide, with the best quality and the best price / quality ratio. It offers a basic warranty of 5 years and with a minimum cost it increases to 10, 15 and even 20 years. Danfoss rectifiers are installed in our mobile systems, also of the German company  that perform up to 35% more than the fixed ones!    Excellent Danfoss rectifiers  that with its three-phase rectifiers deliver excellent> 98% efficiency!  
At Aristoklia Solar, we meet the growing global demand for renewable energy at affordable prices and by supplying products that convert sunlight into electricity. 
We adopt a balanced strategy in the integration and utilization of cutting-edge technologies for the production of high quality products at competitive costs. Maintaining a global presence and local know-how at the same time, we are committed to serving our customers. 
We aspire to be socially and environmentally responsible in every decision we make. As a leader in sustainable energy solutions, we are proud of our mission: to make solar energy a timeless and cost-effective technology for all of humanity.
Your energy needs, whether they are called photovoltaic systems, solar thermal, wind turbines or a combination of these, in our hands will find the best possible solution. 
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